How do I made a powerful cache system using Go

LT (5 min)
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I’m Træfik user since v1.4 but there was no caching system. I scrolled over the internet to know if any solution exists but nothing appear then I decided to write my own Træfik cache system.

I discovered Go language but didn’t have any time to follow multiples tutorials to learn it. But one day I discovered Træfik reverse-proxy project when I wanted to switch my infrastructure into fully dockerized one. I’m Træfik user since v1.4 but after many months using it I encountered an issue : there were no caching system in this reverse-proxy. I scrolled over the internet to know if any solution exists but nothing appears.

Then I decided to write my own Træfik cache system, but the main question was “Which language?”

  • PHP ? Nah.
  • Nodejs ? What a joke !
  • C++ ? I didn’t learn this language at school and it’s really insane to learn.

Then I was on Træfik github repository when I decided to write it in Go. Another good point: that’s compatible with docker integration.

So I started the project and called it Souin Let’s see together how I bring it up from code to deployment.than no contribution.


  • It’s very scary being a beginner, but we should never forget that we were all beginners once. The need for having a fresh perspective is indispensable for the growth of the community. My journey began when I started challenging myself for every possible aspect of organising a meetup:-

    • My [thought process]: Never organized any tech-event, how will I do it?!
    • My [action]: I struggled for days, & got the opportunity of conducting a collaborative meet up with other well-established local-tech-communities and finally organized the very first WomenWhoGo, Delhi Chapter meet up on 25th March'18 and now this community is 250+ members strong.
    • My [thought process]: I have no experience in designing creatives, how will I make it? What if folks will not like it? What should the colours of flyers/posters be?!
    • My [action]: Explored online tools, conducted user interviews and re-iterated process of designing creatives/flyers/posters. Over a period of time, they were loved by many!
    • My [thought process]: I’m not pro in Golang. I can’t give talks. Also, I’ve stage fright. So, I just can’t be a speaker ever.
    • My [action]: Asked college seniors/friends/posted on social media if they could give a talk during meet-ups. Sometimes received a positive response but most of the times struggled and I finally realized that I need to trash away my fears. Gave multiple talks, not only at local meetups but at the international platform as well for example at FOSDEM’19/20.

In nutshell, I realised that we have to be the change we seek. Community gives you the abundance of opportunities which requires patience, practise and perseverance.

Nothing makes me happier than if towards the end of my talk, we join hands and pledge to be open to everyone and make everyone feel as ONE and build/nurture our tech-communities! :)